Am I really going to blog?

I don't think I'm crazy.

Really, I don't.  But, it seems that crazy and I spend quite a bit of time together.  We're even a bit intertwined.  So when I sit down for lunch with my friends from work, or when I catch up with old friends, and I start telling them about the most recent thing that happened, I often hear "you should write a book".  Or, and I love this one, "that could only happen to you".

So, I've decided to start writing it down.  It's really mostly going to be a bit of journalling, a bit of story-telling, a bit of soul-searching.  Free therapy for me, and for the 2 people that will read it - hopefully a bit of entertainment.  After all, crazy and funny go hand in hand!

And, of course, I love horses and all things horsie - so they'll be lots of horse stories to tell.  This picture is my very pretty, not particularly athletic, and difficult to ride paint mare.  Her name is Lexi and I dreamed of a owing a horse that looked like her ever since I watched Little Joe ride off on his black and white paint on Bonanza!  Well, I bought her - without training and after not having ridden for 20 years or so.  What could go wrong?  

Did I mention the crooked legs?