Dear Reader,
Yesterday was a bad day, a really bad day. Fewer and farther apart, these bad days are days when my emotions, my sadness, my hurt gets the better of me and the fragile happiness that I have been building just blows away. In what felt like a split second all those negative emotions - the dismay, the regret, the what ifs, the self-hate - rush screaming to the surface to batter at me.
I texted a friend who spoke about how he related, how he had felt his happiness had been paper thin, derailed so easily and recognized that in me. And, how right he was. I haven't had more than fractured happy moments over the last decade. I barricaded myself in, with armor and anger, determined to persevere.
Happiness is for those who are thriving. I held tight, with jaw clenched, back muscles tight, neck immobile. Joy, peace, contentment and enthusiasm were emotions rarely felt and sustained only for fleeting moments. I lived in the space of fear and anger and held myself in check. Tamping down my anxiety, my resentment, my insecurity took all my energy and left me no space to be. To be grateful, to be hopeful, to be passionate. To be me.
But now, now I spend time being genuinely happy. Dancing making dinner, making plans with friends, riding, planning to go to horse shows. But there is still all this unprocessed shit just beneath the surface - and my happiness is paper thin. A fragile origami butterfly. It fills me with light and hope, but can collapse in a split second by forces outside or inside me.
And so, dear reader, I have two jobs in front of me.
First, like my friend I need to focus on my own "happiness thickening" - an apt term created today. To build layer upon layer of happiness - doing things that have meaning for me, strengthening and building connections to friends, family and community and nourishing my soul, doing that self-care thing folks always talk about. Things like being there for my girls, good times with friends, old and new, and riding. I've spent so very long hiding behind armor and shields that being vulnerable, being open to happiness is scary. And, being open to happiness, leaves me open to all the unprocessed sadness, anger, hurt. But I'd rather feel again - and feel all of it, bad and good - than go back to being locked down.
Second, I need to tackle this inside voice that loves to shred my happiness layer and return me back to that deep, dark well that I've climbed out of. She'll always exist, but I need to see her for who she is. A hateful representation of the worst of all my thoughts. Not me.
So thank you, dear reader, for coming along with me on my journey. And, while not that related, I wanted to share this week's them song Lizzo's "About Damn Time" lyrics... I'm feeling it right now!
Oh, I've been so down and under pressure
I'm way too fine to be this stressed, yeah
Oh, I'm not the girl I was or used to be
Uh, bitch, I might be better